18 Novembre 2010 – Arrivati a Las Palmas

I preparativi fervono, sulle banchine. Chi lava e stiva casse di frutta, chi va in testa d'albero, chi lucida gli inox. Dall'alto del molo, le banchine sembrano un formicaio impazzito di uomini, donne, alberi e bandiere. Il clima e' di festa. Tutti gli equipaggi sfoggiano le magliette con i colori ed il nome della propria barca. Il comitato di regata sta ultimando i controlli di sicurezza su ogni imbarcazione. Chi e' in categoria Racing ha avuto la "fortuna" di essere ispezionato con la lente di ingrandimento dal rappresentante del RORC. Questo ha comportato una attenzione, quasi eccessiva, alle dotazioni di sicurezza con obbligo di acquisti all'ultima ora...Ogni giorno giungono mail come quella che riporto sotto. A presto!

mail from: Jeremy Wyatt - 18 Nov 2010 10:45


Today is the last day for gas or laundry refills via Pedro Texaco

DISA will have another delivery of 5kg butane bottles (special offer Euro 10) tomorrow - 11am at Vela Latina, then 11:30 in northern car park.

The Port would like to remind everyone to place cardboard in the recycling bins and not in the general waste. Spinlock lifejacket exchange 1400 to 1600 at the ARC office.

We now have ARC boat name T-shirts for sale in the ARC shop. These are only available in Las Palmas. Euro 15 each.

Water & Diesel Fuel

Please remember to fill your tanks in good time and do not leave this for the last weekend.


These are available for inspection in the ARC office (or using the on demand entrants report from arc2010). Any request for a rating review must be submitted in writing via the ARC office no later that 1400hrs today. No reviews will be accepted after the closing date/time.

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Sea Safety Demonstrations with Hamble School of Yachting.
09:50 SAR Helicopter Demo at the end of the Northern Marina breakwater, beyond pontoon T. The Flare Demonstration follows this and then it's just a short walk to the Club Maritimo Varadero for a Liferaft Demo. at 11:30
12:30 Net Controllers Briefing at Club Varadero
15:00 - 1800: Book, DVD & First Aid Exchange Medical 'Drop In' at the ARC Shop
18:30 - 19:30 ARC Happy Hour at the Federacion de Vela Free drink on arrival with ARC pass

Jimmy Cornell book signing, 16:30-18:00 at Mare Mare shop
ARC 2010 Farewell Cocktail Party at the Real Club Nautico hosted by the Tourist Board of Gran Canaria. Tickets (one per boat) in your welcome pack (Entrance with TICKET ONLY).
From 20:30 to 22:30.
The ARC Team in Las Palmas
Listening on VHF 11 (0900-1800)
Or call the office on tel. +34 928 234678